Why should I nominate for an Wisdom Award?
The Wisdom Award brings a unique distinction to all those exceptional individuals, corporate and also to product, service and achievements by recognizing all of the intellectual capital, research, planning, engineering, design, strategy and marketing that has gone into making your product or service a success and outstanding achieve. The Wisdom Award also recognizes the persistence and excellence that characterized Wisdom’s work. The prestige of winning the Wisdom Award can be a catalyst to propel your product/brand to even greater notoriety and bottom-line success. Click here to know more about the value of Wisdom Award.
Who may make Wisdom Award nomination?
Any individual, inventor, innovator, team or company involved in product or service innovation or achievements in any field may make a nomination for any category of the Wisdom Award.
What are the recognition and licensing categories of Wisdom Awards?
There are 3 categories in Wisdom Awards.and winners can make the requisite fee payment towards the recognition and licensing category of their choice. The winners certificate will have the Wisdom Awards Seal and also can get the Global Bureau of Assessment Services Seal on merits and subject to the licensing right purchased by the winner by making the requisite payment.
What are the criteria for evaluating Wisdom Award nomination?
There are two evaluating criteria for wisdom award nomination, one is provisional recognition and second is certified recognition. Provisional recognition there is no evaluation but for certified evaluation thee is a certain parameters and nominees has to provide the supporting documents in support of their achievement (individual) and product (corporate) wherein the assessment will be done for their excellence in achievement, concept, value, delivery and impact. Click here to know more about the evaluation criteria.
.What do I have to do in order to make a nomination?
Once nominations are opened, complete the online nomination form and submit it, along with the appropriate entry fee, before the deadline. Review all of the Nomination Guide and fill out the online form or click here to go to the nomination page.
Are there any fees involved?
Yes, there is a one-time entry fee (see Nominations for details), which will be used to defray the expenses of the judging and administrative processes involved in awarding the Wisdom Awards.
After paying the nomination fee, will I be selected to get the award?
After paying the nomination fee, you will get the entry at the voting platform to get the public votes and the award kit is subject to achieving the minimum thresh hold of votes. If you failed to achieve the set thresh hold within the specified time frame, then you have to pay the award kit charges, and no extension will be provided for the public voting
What is the judging process, and who is involved?
The Wisdom Awards Selection Committee will review all nominations and develop a list of Finalists within each of the Wisdom Award categories. This list of Finalists will then be submitted to a panel of 4 judges and we will start the online polling for the selected nominees .
Who can poll?
Any person can caste their vote (unregistered voters) and the voting lines will be closed at the scheduled date and time and we are committed to protect the privacy and anonymity of all the unregistered respondents. The nominees must touch the set voting thresh hold to be eligible for the voting by registered voters. The closing date for the online voting can be extended and or the winner will be selected through the voting by registered voters
What is the voting thresh hold?
The voting thresh hold will be preset and generally 10K for all categories and 1 Lakh for special category and we are committed for the fair practice and any attempt of multiple voting can disqualify for the contest and the decision to select the winner will have binding on all nominees.
When are the winners announced?
The winners of the Wisdom Awards will be shortlist and officially announced 28th of every month for virtual award. The last date for the nomination is the 25th of every month and for special award a short date will be informed
When will be the awards kit will be dispatched?
The award kit will be dispatched on the last date of every month or next working day after the event.
What happens if our nomination is a winner?
If you win an Wisdom Award you have the freedom to publicize the great honor. We will provide a template media release, or you can write your own. Winners may leverage the Wisdom Award winning seal and participate in our customized marketing plan that includes product sampling, social media, product reviews, morning show pitches and national media outreach.
Can we order additional awards for our winning team?
Winners may order additional awards kit from our website , by visiting our ordering page for additional award kit. Please click here to know more for the same.
If we win an award, how can we use it to the best advantage of our product, service or brand?
The Wisdom Award winning seal is proven to increase awareness and sales. We encourage individual and companies add value to your achievements by getting the GBOAS approved seal on your certificate of honour. Please click here to know more about licensing plan.
For more information please write to info@wisdomawards.org or whatsapp to +91 7986744676