WA Recognition

Wisdom Awards – Nomination Last Date 11.59 pm of 10th & Date of Event is 27th by 8.15 pm of every month Recognition categories and special privileges are as under ..

  1. General category nominee will get provisional certificate of recognition.and trophy and a photograph displayed in the award show video release on social media.(Fee Rs.1000/-) Click to submit General Nomination
  2. Priority category nominee will get all the privileges mentioned in clause 2 plus e-interview session in most honorary show “Pearls of Nation – Pride of nation (Fee s. 2500/-) Click to submit Priority Nomination
  3. Certified Category the nominees will get all the privileges mentioned in clause 3 plus GBOAS approval seal will be affixed stamped on the certificate of recognition. (Fee Rs. 7500/-) Click to Submit Certified Nomination
  4. International nominees will get all the privileges mentioned in the clause 4 herein above.(Fee USD 125) Click to Submit International Nomination
  5. The nominee has to provide documents in support of their achievements, products and services and take the online assessment test and apply after ensuring your eligibility.
  6. If a nominee of general category administer road safety oath to 20 road users (which is first and foremost tool to achieve the common smart goal as Mother India Care has started national movement to end road carnage its primary goal and one lakh job opportunities ) then the nominee will get the e-interview session as complementary which is mentioned in the clause 3 herein above.
  7. Global Bureau of Assessment Services – GBOAS is our assessment partner and they will provide the licence to use its seal on the certificate and an online link and G-BOAS Number for verification check of nominee profile for a period of one year and can be extended for more years at additional fee.. They have the assessment process wherein nominees has to provide supporting documents for the achievements/products  and take an online assessment as well. The GBOAS seal enables conferee and winning products or services to stand out prominently, separating it from the competition. Stand out from the public taunt or competition and hold your head high and just say its neither free nor purchased, its GBOAS certified recognition.